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Everything posted by chaoshenge

  1. @Cz1993You are not allowed to use this coupon. I spent more money and bought a svip vip game that I can't play! ! What do you mean, please give me an explanation Cz
  2. I want to tell you that one thing is that svip is the same as vip, no difference. The same version of the server. The only difference is that you start playing with vip.
  3. 我朋友告诉我的 他也是svip!跟我同个地方 我想我不需要测试了吧?这已经很明显了
  4. Server http proxy new acc 1game classic ban 10y oh good! verrry safe im love ur cz!!!! !!!!! thank urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  5. arena eu update

    @Cz1993Use this page to get the requested game info or the request its not valid. https://iOSGG.com/app Features: - iOSGG Exclusive] [US/EU] Arena of Valor By Tencent Games v1.25.1 [Map Hack] update - Non-Jailbreak: Thanks!
  6. vip server 1 2 new acc bann 10y!!! ! Cz u said safe!! no is safe !!Worst version!!!!!!
  7. @Cz1993 请你想想办法 真的 我已经怕了 封封的封一句没打完全部数据异常了 我这一个礼拜已经不知道封了多少号了 不敢在尝试了 帮帮忙我知道你已经很努力了 但是我们也不容易啊 !!别在出anti ban vpn 了一点用都没 请更新版本或者ipa