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Everything posted by Simplecore

  1. Actually this could be a good idea. releasing only no recoil hack (without DLG) and see for a week how does it survive. because most recent release hack today only survive not more than a week. if the hack survive more than a week, then release the DLG version. i know that there is a bunch of DLG code user out there who use the code carefully, but then there is also another player who abuse the DLG code. @Cz1993 kindly consider this on the next release.
  2. hmm.. from all the comment, people who use v4 code is mostly got ban. anyone using v3 got ban also?
  3. bedanya v3 dan v4 apa bro? gw maen sampe jam 1 pagi kemarin msh aman2 aja pake no recoil, tanpa GLC code.
  4. Thanks alot bro.. btw is there any chance that we can install pubg hack as duplicate? so there will be 2 PUBG apps on the device, the original from apps store and the modded PUBG? @Cz1993
  5. Playing legit while waiting Cz to finish his work, actually not that bad.. Ganbatte Cz
  6. gak bs emg ini bro. soalnya harus punya SHSH blog versi ios sebelumnya baru bs downgrade. misal mau turun ke ios 11.xx, nah SHSH blobs nya harus ada dulu di versi 11.xx
  7. Of course all of us here want to use hack for lifetime, easy pick. but then comes another question : 1. How long till the next hack is ready? 2. does the new certificate gonna revoked again by apple before releasing the hack? if so what is the plan to prevent this to happen again? we all know this certificate things happen to all of vendor out there but then some of them also have alternative solution for it. all i want to know is what kind of strategy/plan does iosgg have in this matters?
  8. kagak kepancng, cuma pengen liat aja ini org berisi otaknya apa kosong. dan ternyta sampaah, otk udang juga bsnya cuma komen2 gak jls tanpa ngasih solusi.
  9. yeah you dont know anything about develop hack right??? --> yeap, if i know i already make my own hack. that's why i choose this forum just because iosgg have solusion (at least until a week ago) But how can I guarantee that the original ipa is safe even if it is detected by tencent? --> i don't know. maybe you know the answer. Do you want Cz to shake in a scream that you do not know anything about? --> NO, i want I SOLUTION. how many times do i have to tell you all We want is SOLUTION! do you have solution my friend? maybe with your "C Languange" hacker can give better SOLUTION, other than waiting?
  10. bisa nya cuma komen2 gak jelas aja si asu itu, sok2 bela2in pula itu.. ng3ntot emg tuh org.
  11. Just another trash comment without solution. all i need is SOLUTION,. i don't need some "C Language" hacker who doesn't accept others opinion and also doesn't have a SOLUTION!
  12. chill bro no need to tell people to get out of here just because he have other opinion that you. everyone here have the right to have their own opinion. beside there is no guarantee "ban free" whether the ipa signed by Cz or signed by cydia impactor. all people who ask for releasing the IPA file is just because currently there is no other solution than waiting. just drop my 2 cent.
  13. Are you sure i0sgodddd didn’t have the latest PUBG Hack because of they release the ipa? Or it’s just your assumptions?
  14. Go get vocation Cz, also another member mention about pandahelper, their certificate is good.
  15. agree with this comment, at least give us another option. personal optinion there is no other option than releasing the ipa file. hack detected or not is the same whether releasing the ipa only or directly install.
  16. deep down i'm still hoping that pubg using different certificate vendor than others game like LDOE.
  17. damn.. it's true.. i also installed LDOE couple hours ago, but then now it's been revoke. RIP certificate lol.. @Cz1993maybe it's time to make an option so others can install the hack using cydia impactor, while working on the "Direct Install"
  18. Hi @Cz1993i know you are working hard on the certificate to get the apps up and running asap but then someone clearly fast enough to reported the new certificate to apple. maybe alternative solution like releasing the ipa file so others can install using cydia impactor while you working on the "easy install" it's not a bad idea. #just drop by 2 cent.. cheers..