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Everything posted by Simplecore

  1. what does this feature do? if this feature only make the enemy who spectate on us is more suspicious, then don't add it.
  2. Yes, it's still working. No ban so far. At least i have playing around 20 games, still safe.
  3. after got update 263M, tested playing 1 game still save. using recoil only, no DLG code, Crown Tier.
  4. for code activation, it's free (you don't need to pay). all you have todo is put the coupon code.
  5. worth to try, what is your rank? ACE? ================================== already try the solution above, but still got ban 10 minutes in the mid game. i didn't event kill anyone in this game, but still got ban.
  6. after the first ban, playing again first match also got ban 10 minutes. it's already the 2nd time.
  7. same here, also ban in the middle of the game. Rank ACE, no recoil only, playing like a normal people, not using any DLG Code. also restart in the middle of the game (when enemy 20-30 left) is not working. @Cz1993
  8. @Cz1993 is there any way so that key control not going reset to default each time there is a new hack?
  9. I don't think tomorrow the hack will be ready. Usually it takes 2-3 days to develop the hack and 1-2 days to sign and upload the hack. So yeah 5 days is the estimate time the hack will be ready to download. Hopefully it will be faster thou..
  10. So doing redownload will solve the certificate issue or not? i’m downloading Now, but still in progress.
  11. Thanks for the advice bro. Will try to redownload again. Cheers
  12. yes you can, download the .plis file. then open on the text editor. you will the the .ipa URL there.
  13. you should read 50 pages comment back. got so many banned info.
  14. noted boss, thanks alot for the fast update. is there any possibility next release to get rid DLG code?