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Everything posted by Adnan1122

  1. Thank you genius for uploading the new version though I can not download it right now ? Very grateful @Cz1993
  2. Is it safe ? Some people here said " banned in lobby " , i'm afraid to try ?
  3. Thank you @Cz1993 V12 works perfectly and Full safe . We appreciate your great work
  4. ياجماعة واضح ان التشيكي ينتقم مننا لان فيه مشرف قايل ان فيه اعضاء معانا بالموقع مبلغين علينا ?
  5. مايقدر ينزله لسببين على حسب كلامه : ١- الشركة تقدر تكشفه بسرعه ٢- مو كل الناس عندها جلبريك وكمبيوتر
  6. مانزل الهاك المفروض ينزل امس بس صارت مشكلة الشهادة ، احتمال كبير راح ينزل اليوم اذا ماصارت مشاكل
  7. Ok , we know apple targeted this site and always revoke certificate and there is an app we should install which makes certificate for each one , when will you unlock the topic to get this damn hack ?
  8. Let's Keep in mind , the new version will be released for Svip first and that means we should wait more ?
  9. How long should we wait ? I think I played just 7-10 days this month ! @Cz1993
  10. @Cz1993now working on direct install links . Let's hope the hack will be uploaded today ? صاحب الموقع كاتب انه يشتغل على اصلاح روابط التحميل ، خلونا نتفائل يمكن ينزلها اليوم ?
  11. I just checked the hack it's working and not revoked ! weird !? ?
  12. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

    Testing Testing
  13. Float : 0.000005 Change the third result to : 3 i think you asked me this question before when we waitng walking hell to reboot the server ??
  14. It's safe now . I've played 10 matches in a row No recoil only + remove grass code
  15. You see how many people said they got banned ? I'm afraid to try @Cz1993