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Everything posted by Wakanda22

  1. @Cz1993 what’s going to happen with derect install sence u uploaded ipa version
  2. And people who don’t have laptops????? Selfish person @Colus
  3. Why should we buy Svip?

    Thats because people buy the subscription for Pubg no body cares about other immature games
  4. @Cz1993 how long for pubg is what people what to know forget about other apps everyone pay subscription for pubg it should be your main focus
  5. We can all forget about concoror rank
  6. Nooo dummies his fixing the issue cz is Superman it happen on iAdvertisementdzz too apple revoked all apps
  7. I have Advertisements too Apple has revoked all games for them too the meaning of resining all apps mean the will get fix leave cz do his job
  8. That’s exactly how the start banning people because of people like you @jqa55 don’t use dlg
  9. My stats are dumb fire are they banning??