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About Aayy

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  • Device
    iPhone 6
  • Version
    iOS 12
  • Jailbreak

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  1. Niceee! Hey everyone! Hope yall are havin a gud one
  2. Hey @Lolswag, was wondering if we could craft tac backpack? Radio tower is also already available no?
  3. Asphalt 9: Legends

    Features: - Unlimited Nitro - Unlimites Fuel - Money and Gems duplicate instead of decrease (by purchasing sth ingame) Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: Both Thank youu! Hope admin will see this~
  4. Is this still available? I keep getting the “connect to internet!” Pop up before even logging in... :(
  5. Kefir - FROSTBORN

    Would be great if we had this game here for everyone to download without the use of VPN (to connect to canada), especially with hack in it that we can turn on and off ??? If thats not possible, being able to just download the game from iosgg would be great! Features: - Free Crafting - Duplicate Items by splitting - Get coins for free (and will not decrease, only increase) - Maybe EXP buff - No Armor and Weapon durability - No cool down for skills Non-Jailbreak would be lovely, but both would be best for everyone~ Thank youu?
  6. Just curious, which is better? Prey Day or Last Day on Earth?
  7. Cool app! Had to redownload it again since i couldnt re-verify (newly downloaded additional) apps somehow... but hey keep up the good work! ?