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Status Replies posted by Kurdoio

  1. UPDATE:in the new version the slider version will be compatible with All Device!

    included XS Max, XR etc.

    1. Kurdoio


      My vip is ending i have used it 10 days.. Other  20 days for air.. 

    2. (See 147 other replies to this status update)

  2. UPDATE:in the new version the slider version will be compatible with All Device!

    included XS Max, XR etc.

  3. How to Renew code: you can generate a new code every 3 days by getting the coupon in this topic. https://iosgg.com/topic/4335-1

    and remember to choose quantity 1 when generating a new code.



    My IP address is not available.

    I waited more than 24 hours. please help me.