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  1. Clearly you’re new on this website and hasn’t been here as long as I did.. trust me have been a svip and been here more than you have been. Plus m not dumb that I don’t see their is 3 ways to install. I wrote what I wrote because none of that work and I know how things work.. So maybe you’re the one who’s crying.. Chill bro
  2. @Cz1993 I don’t know how you guys run this forum like we pay for a service which never works, of course as you guys advertise this website is not only for pubg hack but can you tell me any other hack that works as well as all the certificates are revoked. And we are being scammed for something which works once a month for 15 days and 15 days we have to wait for nothing and no update from anyone else other than you.. If you provide some information or compensate in some other way for time we lose would be great too. Thank you.
  3. @Cz1993Direct install is not working even on status it’s showing error and super install never seem to work. Pls help
  4. It’s not connection ban anymore.. it’s 3rd party app meaning the hack is detected I guess..