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Everything posted by Alkingpro

  1. How to cover ur account from getting banned in pubg

    Another's somthing interesting

    Good really
  3. Pubg Mobile Reduce the risk of banning!

    Lets see that
  4. [iGG] PUBG 0.9.x Breakthrough walls

    السؤال هنا هل يقدر يرميهم ولا بس يشوفهم
  5. [iGG] PUBG 0.9.x Breakthrough walls

    Will this be real fire or just viewing ? I mean ca I kill by that code or no ? thx alot @iProdb
  6. Pubg 0.9.1 DLG CODES

    hope they are new
  7. Can you tell me more about lock height & lock shooting futures ? If you don’t mind please
  8. [DLG] PUBG Mobile 0.10.0 Cheat codes

    Can any one explain last tow future. ليش سيئ ، جربته وجاك باند ولا ايش؟