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Status Replies posted by Mshrrf

  1. All games revoked..  fixing now..

  2. From now for who need code just to go in this topic:


  3. Happy new year to everyone! Today its the last day of 2018, hope you all enjoy to stay here!

  4. many dlg codes are detected, better dont use it.

  5. later will upload the new version of pubg

    1. Mshrrf


      شالوضع نزل تحديث أو لا ؟ 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  6. need to install the license file that I will provide to you. Send me

    1. Mshrrf


      الأمني بان مو شاغله مايمدي ادخل قيم الا باند الحل اذا عندك خبر 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. need to install the license file that I will provide to you. Send me

    1. Mshrrf


      أنا لي يومين أو اكثر اللعبه مو راضيه تنزل يقولي تعذر حاول مجددا وش الحل ؟ 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. need to install the license file that I will provide to you. Send me

    1. Mshrrf


      اللعبه مو قاعدته تتحمل شنو المشكلة ؟ يطلع لي تعذر حاول مجددا ! 


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)