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Everything posted by Georocks

  1. There is a reason why the code has been deactivated, to prevent user getting banned. Wait for next version. Please read last comments on pubg thread. Thanks!
  2. Boooooooooom! luckily I always check the forum before playing. My acc safe! Thanks for the heads up!
  3. DLG codes 0.11.0

    Check this
  4. These guys don’t understand the meaning of “NOT RECOMMEND USING CHEAT ENGINE CODES MOST OF THEM ARE DETECTED”. They are helping tencent to patch this earlier...
  5. I hope you don’t get auto banned when you open the old hack.
  6. You lose your guest acc bro. Why dont you connect with your twitter or fb?
  7. There is a reason why code has been deactivated. To avoid user like you guys to get auto banned. Please read @Cz1993 profil or pubg thread.
  8. Adakah disini org indo yg mau mabar squad di server asia? PM id nnt gw add.
  9. Its spring somewhere but its Hot like crazy here. Coffee, cigarettes, and drama..