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Everything posted by Georocks

  1. Like dogs sitting near the kitchen door waiting for dinner... ???
  2. “Most free games are fixed” Thanks for the efforts, I thought svip/vip games deserve first.. Its ok we can wait.
  3. Gpp kalo harus reinstall tiap minggu pake cydia impactor, yg penting bisa main dan tengat waktu vip terpakai... Ini udah mau 4 hari gak kepake sama sekali. Kalo alasannya banyak user yg gk punya pc, terserah mereka... wkwk
  4. If you have trouble with revoked certificate, just upload ipa files compatible with cydia impactor... Please @Cz1993 especially pubg and mobile legends.
  5. Perasaan gw gk enak, hari ini pasti kena revoke lagi... udah mau 4 jam blm ada info dr cz.
  6. Again I am here with coffee and cigarettes. Enjoy my waiting time at the small island in Sanhok.
  7. Roger that! Make sure you have level 3 vest and helmet, I have AWM with 8x scope. Give me some weeds or you die! ?
  8. iosOMGG take your time and keep work hard team! We know you guys can do this! I ran out of coffee and cigarettes watching this drama, gonna get some sleep... See you guys in Military Base! ??
  9. [ IGG ] PUBG codes [ Flying ] 0.11.0

    Have a look
  10. Gw skg di Jepang, appstore harus pake yg Jepang jg, jd gk bs buka akun pubg global di pubg kr/jp. Lanjut aja dlu...
  11. Iyaaa game kecil lain udah minta verify lg ternyata. Mungkin para dev app/game udh kerja sama dgn pihak apple...
  12. Subhanallah... Thanks for your advice rich guy, appreciate it ? If you wants to donate iosgg go to this link https://iosgg.com/clients/donations/
  13. Revoke lg mlm ini kah? Info darimana? Adddooh gw udah nunggu lama nih dari kemarin...