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Everything posted by Jmontalbo

  1. pubg v 0.10.5 hide gras only

    Delete post it’s a 10 year autoban
  2. Hahahaha where u at @Jack131421??? Mr know it all pubg expert! @Sobekjust exposed your dumbass Hahahahaha
  3. I cannot apply the discount code for my renewal code. Anyone know what to do?
  4. I have now played 80 matches. I’ve tested each code in the dlg codes list. I always only used one code per match just to see which are detected. My overall advice is to simply not use any dlg codes. The antennas work without ban but everything else I think are detected. One time I used ignore enemy armor and won the match. I literally was soft banned at the end after I won the chicken dinner. So just use the app for what if offers. It’s still should be more than enough to get the advantage on most users. Also don’t report another hacker if you get killed by a hacker! The less reports the less fight we see from Tencent!
  5. How about also if you get killed by a hacker don’t report him lol. I mean why snitch on someone for doing the exact same thing as you smh. Just giving Tencent more reasons to create new ways of detection.
  6. Noticed on the no recoil ONLY version that u do NOT get banned in lobby or last circle ??‍♂️. Guess it’s better than nothing for now
  7. What to do if you get banned on pubg.

    Didn’t work for my “guest” option
  8. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

    Yes please
  9. Pubg Mobile Reduce the risk of banning!

    Yes please
  10. pubg v 0.10.5 hide gras only

    What about hide grass only? So hard to drive when the trees disappear also haha! @mishaal44
  11. @Cz1993so just to clarify, restart the game specifically at 30 people left? Or is it after the 2nd circle has closed?
  12. Ignore enemy armor is detected. Will get you a 2 month ban. First time I’ve ever seen that ban length before.