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Everything posted by Mooyoung

  1. I have try 3 time delete all and reinstall but i got this message Impactor.exe has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. May be it better to wait for Cz to upload direct install.
  2. I almost done with cydia and got message cydia impactor stop working I try to uninstall everything and start it over to see if it fix
  3. file: provision.ccp; line: 81; what: ios/submitDevelopmentCSR = 7460 You already have a current iOS Development certificate or a pending certificate request. Got this message after try to download it. what it's mean anyone have this message or you all successfully install
  4. Everyone listen from my understanding the HACK is already done but the problem was the certificate keep revoked from apple that why he post anti revoked app for us my membership will expires in a week from now too. but nothing we or he can’t control that pls understand
  5. I remember Cz1993 said he would compensate the time lost to all member. I hope he will do it after 12 versions release.
  6. งวดนี้ทำอะไรไม่ได้เลย เพราะคราวที่แล้ว certifiles มันยกเลิก เป็นกันทุก แอป แต่คราวนี้เกมส์มัน อัพเดทตัวเอง Cz ก็พยายามเต็มที่แล้ว ผมว่าน่ะ คงต้องรอ
  7. you mean we still can play with V5 version after pubg maintenance done?
  8. Question guy i download x ray version and would like to change download to no recoil only. Can i still use same activation code as x ray version on no recoil version?
  9. I like to hear feedback from people who connected to social media like FB, Twitter, VK are you still playing the hack v4 or v5 and did you get or didn’t get banned please share your experience
  10. AOE headshot is very high risk of ban. enemies can report you and detected the hack NOT RECOMMEND
  11. Yes you definitely lead to the ban with AOE cause is too obvious the enimies got shot only the head and to people who got 10 min banned I believe because of your internet connection got interrupted by something.
  12. since the hack was available i have play from bronze to IV silver now with No recoil only version without any code put in.
  13. I'm concern about the new update to 12.00 if certifiles was good Cz have to work on update too.
  14. They have to understand the reality of HACK is mean third party app anything could happen anytime like revoke or detected be real and live with it.