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Everything posted by Tyli0

  1. Thanks a lot cz. Edit: Game crash few sec after you visit the website.
  2. @cz1993 You should add doubleH3lix. It jailbreaks all 62-bit 10.x. I freed mine by using it few days ago. I tried all of those you mention on the list and none worked or had any "real" cydia installed. But this one have a working cydia with tweaks. Here's the website https://doubleh3lix.tihmstar.net/
  3. LDoE Base Hack

    If you guys liked this tutorial, go check my new tutorial for speed glitch
  4. [TUTORIAL ] LDOE Speed Glitch

    Did you loot an unopen crate? If you do this to something you already opened, it won't work. I just uploaded a video, try follow that.
  5. So android version is now on 1.9 and iOS is on 1.8.7. Lets hope free store is working. Edit: And it's not working... Gonna keep this version undtil iOS is updated. It might be because the android version was 2 days ago, so I missed it...
  6. @cz1993 Would be awesome if you made max or infinit skill points in your next update.
  7. LDoE Base Hack

    Okay. didn't know, last time I played was months ago.
  8. LDoE Base Hack

    Did what the guy was asking for. A jailed LDOE hack with someones saves (full base)
  9. LDoE Base Hack

    Well I did, few months ago.
  10. LDoE Base Hack

    Yes you can. You can download a save for the game It is possible to combine someone else save with LDOE hack.
  11. Good job! I get PreflightingApplication when installing. Okay it's because the game don't support my iOS.
  12. Okay, I build something, I should not have, now I can't go back to my base without it infinit loading, I can go to npc base, but not my own. Also spending coins to recharge energy does not give more coins. Edit: I might know the cause of this. Because my avatar glitched as soon as I equip armor that I crafted, making my head and sword only visible in the game. I then died, after respawn I couldn't enter my base.
  13. There sure are a lot of these kind of games, love it.
  14. LDoE Base Hack

    It should work as long as @cz1993 keeps updating it.
  15. Harry potter hogwarts mystery

    +1 Would like to see it as well.
  16. Still works even if it's a few version lower.
  17. How to jailbreak ios 10.3.3 (NO COMPUTER)

    @Ace You said all 32bit, so is it only 32bit?
  18. LDoE Base Hack

  19. LDoE Base Hack

    Ops, I didn't know know that. I will fix it. I did see your video, but it doesn't show it precisely.
  20. LDoE Base Hack

    You welcome.