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Everything posted by sannydespi

  1. cz bro igot problem it said Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given cert unable to get local issuer cert please help me
  2. cz bro igot problem it said Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given cert unable to get local issuer cert please help me
  3. i know you are working so hard for that certificate.but is it a hardthing to tell us what you are planning or when you will release? that would be such a relief! im fine with that even if cant fix tonight at least telling to your people what up now?
  4. sir can you atleast update us whats going on now? if not tonight then tell when? i bought every month vip. its turning to expire now 5 days gaming over 30 days only? well thats not fair. so at least give us a clue
  5. installed already sir :) but is the new link will come today or no? at least give us a clue when we can play thank you sir. ☺️
  6. im a non jailbreak user. how would i do that? help me please thanks
  7. guys did you use magic bullet? those people got ban 10 years please reply
  8. yeah you are right. as simple as this.why some people nevver get ban? (like me) and why some are banned?because they share the link outside the forum and some use the code brutal way. imagine bro i reached the ace rank 4600+ total rating with no problem. even 10mins ban? it never appeared in my screen. dont blame the dlg button!
  9. dlg codes are not actually the problem. guys i played 50+ games (ACE RANK) nothing ban happened. i use antenna and no grass code. i used also even magic bullet not high only small. i ddnt get any ban. so what wrong with the dlg codes?? why you get ban and me was not? here it is. to avoid getting report. make sure you are not obvious cheating. after you killed plyer and they spectating you pretend like you are a normal player. dont shoot for a while. move your scope when firing like you have a recoil. play with you friends. close friends to aboid report
  10. im using the no recoil version only, no grass code 0.5 and antenna thats all 11 straight games no ban no 10 mins ban as well
  11. i played 5 matches no ban most 14 kills every game. for now dont use magic bullet its risky
  12. NO BAN'v2 Pubg Mobile

  13. is said maximum used up. cz please updte i need activation code please thank you
  14. you pay for cz’s pubg hack but you didnt pay pubg tencent for anti cheat. thats it! dont complain here for banning you for 10 years ? play in our own risk!