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  1. Thanks
    haruto34750716 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, We are working on the VIP install system, which can bypass the revoke.    
    We are working on the VIP install system, which can bypass the revoke. 
  2. Thanks
    haruto34750716 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, anti revoke method ready.   
    anti revoke method ready.
  3. Like
    haruto34750716 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, How many people want the ipa version for installing with cydia impactor?   
    How many people want the ipa version for installing with cydia impactor?
  4. Thanks
    haruto34750716 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Final testing phase for the new version of pubg, stay tuned!   
    Final testing phase for the new version of pubg, stay tuned!