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Everything posted by DonalDtrum

  1. You pay for what you get you either pay for cheap non working vip or for working expensive svip
  2. Apple finally cracked down on the 3rd party app certificates is over for non jail broken ios
  3. Everyone that is crying over 30$ should file a civil lawsuit at their nearest court vs Defendant CZ . Tell the judge you got ripped off when you bought a PUBG HACK and want your 30$ back.
  4. I just played game with 15 kills no ban. Sounds like bs. I usually play 3 games with throwaway account before playing with official
  5. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

  6. Are u serious willis?figure it out yourself try installing it to see what happens
  7. This guy right here sounds like a tencent spy. Please banned
  8. Im sure there has to be some vip Tecent hacker spy in this website . They download crack app check what was changed and update the original game.
  9. Dag guys i have few friends that abuse the hack antenna magic bullet u named it 10 year banned