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Everything posted by Hieukhanh234

  1. Pubg Anti-Ban Help/Tricks

  2. I tested and played over 40 games in the last 3 days .. absolutely safe ..
  3. -1.68741035461 float all : 10000 After each game we have to do it again
  4. I played 3 days and was very safe .. There will be live installation soon .. everyone please wait!
  5. Van choi dc nhe.tu luc cai ipa qua impactor thay an toan hon tai truc tiep
  6. v0.12 completed soon more than 1 day. from 0.10 to 0.11 we wait 7 days .. v0.12 shows good signal ..
  7. Cz come back. need to fix the certificate and go to v0.12 .. We put faith in you
  8. about 1 hour V5 version will start .. Please update the code
  9. Please do not share the link out. That affects tencent locking all accounts.
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tqmZxgjS2Xj-iVxIbt5TGrUp-HwJj9FN/view?usp=drivesdk