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Everything posted by Hieukhanh234

  1. iosgg collapses Waiting and frustration You should think of another new game to serve us
  2. @Cz1993 It has been more than 15 days since pubg version 0.13.5 is no longer working. You can update 0.13.5 ver5.
  3. after a match. prohibited in the middle of the match or the last circle. I use hidden grass code.
  4. pubg version 0.13 has broken my 6 accounts .... pubg version 0.11.5 is the best version with 03 safe week
  5. Cz..! connection in the Asian country found out .. the account has been blocked for 3 days
  6. I just played today and the results show that I don't get band and play in 10 great games .. Please wait until May 17th there will be an update of 0.12.5
  7. PUBG MOBILE By Tencent Mobile v0.12.0 [No Recoil]+[X-Ray]+[Cheat Engine]+[Anti Ban] [V1] begin!!!
  8. Wall code Pubg
