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About Bigworm

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  1. Peace Gamers, here's a tut how to Setup a Rat for Android to Monitor it What you Need: - Laptop/Computer, Java need's to be installed - Your Antivirus and your firewall must be turned off. - A wireless router with Internet Connection. - An Andriod phone to deploy the client app. In addition you will need: Androrat setup & Androrat Apk Binder: Router Port forwarding client [Hidden Content] I'm not responsible for any unlawful activities. Peace out and smash that like Button homies.. **** that android lol
  2. Peace Gamers, this tut show's how to hack the wep of a Wireless Network using backtrack. What you need: Computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, any OS) Wireless card that supports promiscuous mode (Most do, if yours isn't compatible you can buy one that is at any computer store. Optional: Flash drive or blank DVD Backtrack5 [Hidden Content] NOTES: Usually, for this to work flawlessly, someone has to be currently using the internet on the network you're trying to hack, or else it could take awhile for you to get enough packets to crack the WEP. It is illegal to steal wireless internet. Only try this on your own network. This guide is for educational purposes only, as with everything that i Post lol. Use at your own risk and feel free to hit that like Button.