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Everything posted by AMADORA

  1. I'm an i**** (inappropriate word) here who pays every month and waits for a miracle .. ??? guys i'm sick of this sh!t .. administrator do something useful for your clients !!
  2. I'm an i**** (inappropriate word) here who pays every month and waits for a miracle .. ??? guys i'm sick of this sh!t .. administrator do something useful for your clients !!
  3. the antenna does not show all enemies and enemies in a camouflage robe, maybe this is a test version, so so ..?
  4. PUBG MOBILE 0.17.0 DLG CODES 20+

    The new The new
  5. yes I do this in the forehead it works, but in the game it does not show all enemies
  6. antenna does not work well (tell me an alternative ??
  7. Pubg mobile.. antenna does not work well (tell me an alternative ??
  8. when do we wait for the usual installation of the game ?? direct instal
  9. I have an uncover installed but it shows unsupported, and the pubg is not transferred to my phone ..