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Everything posted by 1nOnlyGizmo

  1. Good luck everyone. Hopefully I get it. Would be best Christmas ever.
  2. Vip subscription

    I need V.I.P. Would be nice.
  3. Last Day on Earth turn off hack

    I have a developer account through Apple. So when I save enough to get a Mac cause I’ve always used windows I will be able to learn more coding and use their programs to make developer apps that will be signed. So possibly in near future I will be able to help out more.
  4. Last Day on Earth turn off hack

    Not a problem man. If I find another way around everything or a way to backdate and verify the iOS myself I will let you know
  5. Last Day on Earth turn off hack

    I know it sucks but unfortunately until jailbroken or a new method is created it’s our only option running the newer operating systems. And Apple quit signing earlier iOS systems to keep people from Jailbreaking so you can’t downgrade operating systems
  6. Last Day on Earth turn off hack

    Because if you’re not jail broken or using a VPN which I prefer Nesstool at the moment Apple will revoke the certificates. Which is the reason they really created iOS 11 and up and since phone isn’t jail broken the people who created the apps for us to bypass jailbreak have to constantly update and change names.
  7. Last Day on Earth turn off hack

    I am on same update. Just use tutu app to download it or go through TweakBox or appvalley. TweakBox has this same hack at the moment they have updated. But can’t use vpn while downloading through TweakBox and appvalley it blocks it. After you download what you want from those two use your vpn to play the games or while downloading through tutu app.
  8. I have multiple iphones with different ios and my son updated my Iphone 6 to ios 11 never even wanted to lol I was at 10.3.1
  9. now able able to use cydia impactor and ifunbox again. This is great multi emulator and game source downloads directly in the app.
  10. That is what I thought Everything was already on my phone and signed and good. After Update it would not let me install anything from any Helper Apps. But I was able to backdate to the IOS 11.01 and everything is good to go from my icloud data backup. It was the only version that apple still signs now since of like a few days ago. But Up and running everything good again. Thanks man. Even found a site explaining that it would block third party apps with new update but i was too late and had already updated. It states you cannot backdate to earlier version after that but I was able to with ufd restore and having my crap backed up.
  11. New update blocks tutu app and ifunbox everything really. I have a back up phone just in case
  12. I can still downgrade or is ufd restore before they block regular iOS 11 I have found a way to restore the phone completely. Firmware and all which is how I did it the first time they screwed me lol
  13. It will work for iOS 11 but do not update to ios11.0.2 Apple has blocked Cydia Impactor from signing and all third party apps. Downgrading now before they block the ios signing
  14. Emulator GamePad v1.7.4

    Going to see if this works for ios 11.0.2
  15. Playing with the Best!