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Everything posted by Klay11

  1. Is there a way to fix unknown error?
  2. What about fixing mobile legends???
  3. Fix please @Cz1993 it doesnt load for ipad users
  4. It wont open after installing on an ipad @Cz1993
  5. @Cz1993when are you planning on fixing this? ipa is detected and forces you to close the game
  6. @Cz1993the mod is detected on the loading screen and it forces you to quit the game
  7. @cz1993is there any way to have the no cooldown work on pvp also?
  8. Important question

    Hi im new here and I bought VIP 5 minutes ago. Just a question regarding the arena of valor US server.. is it working properly? Ive bought vip solely for that mod only. Thank you!