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Everything posted by iPhanTastic

  1. So true bro! This @tmdwo8848 is full of lies, trying to be famous internet bully, licking a hole. Acting like like a big man but literally little man.
  2. ! Stop being all hardcore with your lies! I believe you but this @tmdwo8848 all shouting with lies. Pathetic!
  3. It’s simple! Cz release it to them and told them to Keep it quiet or else in future no early release for them. Then 2 of svip members slip on cz forum stating “download failure please fix” “delete this, this is for svip only, send in PM” So now they’re just covering up their tracks and insulting VIPs.
  4. We need new coupons like a crack head need a hit please! ?
  5. @Cz1993 please update these beautiful codes ?
  6. Chung bi chay rank di! Cz mo topic thi hu nhau vo nha! ✌? Android esp song lau hon va script super vip. Trong group fb, tui Android An banned nhu nuoc chay
  7. Ok post of earlier about svip uploaded failed has been officially deleted by Cz ??
  8. My concern now is why svip delete their post on cz forum and now few svip are denying there’s no hack. Either hiding the truth or trolling us VIP members. Uncalled for!
  9. Well I use an alternate antiban while using cz hack. I got to rank ace with 12kda , doing 15-20 kills per game.
  10. ?? Dong chua bi ban ne. Account van con ace 15-20 kills full. Tuy moi ng nghi sao thoi
  11. Yes svip is trying to hide information from us. We’re all families here as hackers. Why the seperation? Because they got more money than us?