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Everything posted by Naio

  1. Seriously, it’s not that bad, I still using iOSGG hack Everyday, done enough for me while waiting for CZ update V3. I understand how hard is for some of u, waiting. To play full hack ability. Just put ur self in his shoes, it’s not easy to hack pubg now, other Developers has struggled as well sus as SS and Cheto. but hey CZ you should inform customers at least 1 a day.
  2. Dude where u been! The hack been detected a days after V2 come out! I wonder what is V3 going to be like! of cause CZ he struggle with this new V3,
  3. Never mind playing. I can’t even play on version 2 seen been released. Trouble with super install. I just got the V2 install today and now I have to facing with no activation key, ( out of stock). seen I got VIP Accnt I think I 2days gaming with V1 then got ban. Then V2 can’t install until now then again I can’t play due to no activation keys (out of stock). Now I’m wondering, Am I going to be able to play the game at all?. v3 will take 3-7 days, parham longer!. Mothly VIP will run out soon, parham you could take care of ur customers better. By extend their VIP.
  4. @CZ1993 the activate code out of stock! Can’t get the code! I have be waiting to play the game seen I first purchase VIP, it’s has been 2week without gaming, and it’s take me 3day to install the game. When I got the game install and now this? Can’t get it activate! please fix this ASAP
  5. You lucky getting 10min banned. Most of us can’t even install the game. The super install need improve!
  6. Ahh I see what u mean, if u keep getting error 502 through the hour. Don’t bother to attempt. This mean That the host servicing or maintenance by admin try it a few hour later
  7. The timing It’s mess up. The hole things, just keep trying. From .00 To 29 mins on every hours . I have tired many attempt last night, till get it to download. Sometime it’s stuck on signing, some time is download but not install, delete and clear then try again, I know it’s f* (inappropriate word) up but Will work
  8. Yup mate, then super install will pop up on ur setting ( install ) will open signin page then download it
  9. Method 3, with to iPhone. I been using the same method for passed 2week! Method 3, with to iPhone. I been using the same method for passed 2week
  10. I think you not understanding! I play my main account on non hack! i use my second account to spectating my self! From hack phones, So, please tell me how did I play on 2 phones? The answer is I play only 1 phone. And use another to view and locating the enemy!
  11. The instruction pretty clear, Use the main account play on non hack phone, and use hack phone to spectating! Then apply the antenna and u the slider bar or switch, to locating the enemy. Use Your pubg shooting skill kill the enemy!
  12. Guy just calm the f* (inappropriate word) down. The admin post and keep u update, to what’a going everyday, hacking the well ranking game as pubg it is not easy job, pubg alway Preventing. give the man a space, so he can come up will better solution for us! here is the method I’m using, while waiting! It’s WORKING FINE FOR ME without getting banned. 1) I used my non hack mobile to play the game! 2) I use my hack mobile to spectating my self, apply the codes from menu, (antenna) use the switch to clear the elements. at-lease u know where all the enemy are, ( if you not winning with this, Then you shouldn’t play pubg at all)
  13. PUBg hack 10 min bann all vesions.

    I just got banned today, I was so close to conquer, Non of method work, the game files been explorers. The iosgg host not saved. this is what I’m doing now, : i use my non hack iPhone to play the match, : then I use my hack iosgg phone to spectating from different account. ( I still be able to know where the enemy are) and see through the building. On spectating mod working fine