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About JDubz10

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    iPhone 6s
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  • Jailbreak

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  1. Sweet. I shall give than an try. Thanks @Primo
  2. Is there an Jailbreak version of this? Did try an search but only returned non jailbreak version....?
  3. As in iAP. Yup. Have this installed but have never worked on this game. Do you have an source?
  4. Just tried again...nothing. It cost 3 doughnuts to speed it up. Come up with scratch card. Random outcome. No update to doughnuts.
  5. Still can't get this to work.... Nothing happens when purchasing the ticket. Help....
  6. Thanks @Primo To clarify do I need to be at 0 doughnuts to start with? I have 64 currently and bought the ticket without any affect. Any help will be appriciated.
  7. Cannot get the doughnuts to show. Installed correctly. Should there be a menu or some other way to activate? @cz1993
  8. @cz1993 Please could you update this mod?
  9. @cz1993 New Version just dropped in-store today.
  10. Hey @cz1993 new version of this dropped today in the store. Any chance we can get this updated? Many thanks!