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Everything posted by BrokenRemedy

  1. It says direct install but there isnt a direct install button?
  2. Hey what happened to the weapon durability? My weapons are still breaking for some reason.
  3. Does this work with 11.3.1 jailbreak cause it doesn’t seem to be working..
  4. Can someone seriously help me here? I’ve downloaded and installed it into cydia and restarted my game but the hack isn’t there.
  5. So for this one to work do I need to actually have the appstore version of the game first?
  6. Alright one last question and then I’ll shut up. Now that i’ve activated the gaining instead of losing coins thing, does that work on everything? Cause I’m pretty sure I just used it to make a puppy grow up and lost coins..
  7. And I’m guessing it’s impossible to buy any coins from the store because it keeps telling me that it’s temporarily unavailable.
  8. So how do I reset the skill points? Cause my coins definitey arent increasing yet. Plus I only have 3 coins and it says I need 5 to reset the points...
  9. Can someone please help me out? When I logged in it let me load all the data from my old game but now I can’t figure out how or where to access the hacks?
  10. If I install the hack and delete my old game will I lose everything from the old game?