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Everything posted by Linhnguyen12

  1. Today I tried more than 15 safe games that are not banned. I use antenna and Magic (056) of Igameguardian
  2. Nếu jb rồi các bạn có thể cài tweak trên cydia chạy ẩn ứng dụng là có thể như bình thường nhé
  3. Please wait patiently for download because too many people download it it took me more than 1 hour to download it lol
  4. Trong quá trình vào game bạn bấm tìm kiếm mã ẩn cỏ thật nhanh. Là nó không bị văng nhé . Có gì thắc mắc ib
  5. You can use hidden grass with DLG. The most frightening number: 0.35
  6. You can use an ingenious way so other players don't know you are hacking I also use magic but I only shoot close and small ranges. auto check cannot detect you enter the code but you are reported it will work 5256866248569389056
  7. Do not recommend using magic no recoil is more than enough to reserve the top 1
  8. Recommended version only no recoil No-slider version you can be reported
  9. İmportant Topic! Pubg Mobile 0.11.5
