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Posts posted by FordEsting

  1. 2 hours ago, rayphua said:


    What’s going on? 4 separate forums, SVIP, VIP, Korea/Japan, Vietnam, are you reading any of those messages? I believe there could have been more than 100 messages from SVIP and VIP members directing messages to you at @Cz1993telling you that all versions in these 4 forums have been detected. Some even asked that you stop releasing the codes so that those that were not banned do not get banned. I believe several hundred accounts, main and temporary ones, have already been banned. And I believe bans happen anywhere from a few seconds and resulting in minimum 10 min to 10 year bans. 

    But you do nothing. No explanation. No timeframe provided to ease the mood of these members who have donated hard earned cash, some paying for both SVIP and VIP memberships, some that just signed up a day ago. No stopping of the downloads. And more are continuing to thank you so they can download these detected versions. 

    Shouldn’t you be doing something about this? Sure, you have a life outside of iOsGG, but being paid from iOsGG requires a certain responsibility to everyone of them. If you are facing issues, at least let them know. No one expects you to be the Super hacker, but everyone can expect you to provide information to them, if there was going to be a delay, and that the downloads must be stopped. If there was only a few messages of players getting banned, perhaps they f*cked up when they played, being Rambo, and received complaints. But more than a hundred from 4 different forums surely cannot be a coincidence. How much more fact do you require before something is done?

    This is your business, how you run it is entirely up to you, but I am a businessman myself and I can tell you this method of being silent without any information or action is wrong. 

    Please do not take this the wrong way, think about what I’m saying here. Surely you will agree with what I am saying. I am just voicing for the members, everyone, SVIP and VIP. 

    Well, @Cz1993 said it and posted it more than once. iOsGG isn't providing the hacking tool ONLY for PUBG, think twice or just don't purchase VIP(SVIP) if your are only interested in PUBG. Also hacking an app is not the same as developing one, there is no guarantee of time or if the game can be hacked at all after a patch.

    Depending on where CZ lives, it could be in the middle of night when Tencent starts a ban wave. I can't blame him for not locking the thread while he is in asleep. Again, he said it already "Always try it on you dispensable account first" and "IF YOU DONT WANT TO GET BANNED JUST DONT USE THE HACKS!". So, you can, stop purchasing VIP(SVIP) or using the hack and to play like a normal mobile user like many else! And most importantly, stop accusing CZ just because you spent a little money here and not satisfied with his work.


  2. 5 hours ago, darkmanx said:

    It’s your choice if you pay. If you do then you need to understand that these things aren’t automatic and there will be complications. 

    The fact that ipa seems way more secure I believe the direct install users abuse the hack and get caught and it ruins it for everyone.

    Agree. This has never been a real product with "after sale warranty". You pay and use it or master the skill and play normally.

    Direct install on a non-jailed iDevice requires to "Sign" the app with an enterprise license or certificate, iOsGG.com may be able to get/purchase that but here is the issue - once the hack is detected and marked, all other users who installed the app using same license(certificate) might be detected too. There are always some people use the hack the "I am the God" way which would lead to be reported, which lead to be BANNED.

    IPA install on the other hand will sign the app using your own apple id, it is safer in a way. But still, play like normal person or get reported/banned.