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Everything posted by nosorry

  1. the game got updated to 2.7.1 already, can you please update and perhaps add some new features?
  2. Features: - Freeze Skill Point -> Skill Points Won't Subtract - Freeze Gold -> Gold Won't Subtract - Freeze Mana -> Mana Won't Subtract for Non-Jailbreak, please! @cz1993
  3. This is for the game Goddess: Primal Chaos By Allstar Games, VIP Non-Jailbreak Whenever I try to just play a stage, I get some kind of a security error? Probably for the too much damage that was done... please help. Video here
  4. Illegal add-on security error

    Can you please do so, so we can use it again? I will test it for you, no problem.
  5. Hello, I'm kinda new and I have a problem. Whenever I open an app from here, I log into iosgg and afterwards my game's res is just cropped, please help. Rebooting/clearing RAM doesn't help. I'm using the non-jailbroken apps since I am on 11.3, iPhone 8 Plus Video here
  6. Problem with screen resolution

    Thank you very much, that fixed the problem! I tried to search the forums for similar problem but couldn't find any, sorry if it has been already answered.