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  1. Haha
    Kanjana reacted to GreenApples for a status update, HACKERMAN Edit:  Merry  Christmas!   

    Edit: Merry Christmas!
  2. Haha
    Kanjana reacted to GreenApples for a status update, Merry Christmas to the person who is the most loved in this community !   
    Merry Christmas to the person who is the most loved in this community!
  3. Like
    Kanjana reacted to GreenApples for a status update, Merry Christmas to the person who didn't helped when someone needs it. /s   
    Merry Christmas to the person who didn't helped when someone needs it. /s
  4. Haha
    Kanjana reacted to GreenApples for a status update, I’ll be away for days, I’ll still pay a visit. Make sure to behave   
    I’ll be away for days, I’ll still pay a visit. Make sure to behave
  5. Thanks
    Kanjana reacted to GreenApples for a status update, Finally, I’m back. That took me a week. Ready to punish some rule-breakers    
    Finally, I’m back. That took me a week. Ready to punish some rule-breakers 
  6. Like
    Kanjana reacted to GreenApples for a status update, Do not message me regarding on activating your account, You’ll be ignored. It also pr   
    Do not message me regarding on activating your account, You’ll be ignored. It also proves that you really didn’t read the post I made about it. 
  7. Thanks
    Kanjana reacted to GreenApples for a status update, I’ll be out for days again. As always, Make sure that you are not breaking any rules.   
    I’ll be out for days again. As always, Make sure that you are not breaking any rules.