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Everything posted by Primo

  1. Uninstall and reinstall from first page, also new update came out on iOS so I’m not sure it will be available. However will be updated soon ??
  2. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game
  3. Uninstall and reinstall from the first page of this thread
  4. Uninstall and reinstall from the first page of this thread
  5. Tu télécharges le jeu sur la première page, y’a un lien dans une boîte noire avec marqué direct install dessus tu cliques dessus sur safari
  6. Uninstall and reinstall from first page of this topic. There’s a black box with « direct install » written on it ??
  7. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game
  8. What’s not working? Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game ??
  9. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game
  10. The direct install link isn’t the iTunes link. It’s the black box on first page with direct install written on it
  11. Uninstall and reinstall from first page Uninstall and reinstall from first page
  12. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game
  13. Click on on the black box with direct install written on it. You need to do it through safari
  14. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game
  15. Read the title. There’s « direct install » written which means you can install it directly
  16. No. It’s because he didn’t downloaded it from here but from an external source Uninstall and reinstall from here Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game
  17. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game