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Everything posted by Primo

  1. He doesn’t answer for now even to me, he’s too busy ! Sorry again! Of course it’s been asked multiple times already but you already know we don’t give any sorry, the reasons might not be good enough for you but Cz will stick to it I think! ??
  2. Yeah there’s a problem on the update that is it, don’t use it for now if you can we’re working on the update again! @antoniomn256
  3. He will reply but it will probably take time! Go to his profile and click on the envelope button ?? Yes he checks the feedbacks don’t worry. He just doesn’t tell much about what he is doing. ??
  4. Yep, it needs a restock I think. ?? Send a pm to Cz he’ll help you with key problems ! ??
  5. Hum you got a good data? Might be the problem, maybe the server is full too... Try again later and let me know! ?? Thanks for your feedback! I think Cz is aware and will work on it as soon as possible! ?
  6. @Cz1993  We definitely should hack Tinder... ????!!

  7. The thing being it’s not the only thing he has to do. Stop your annoying spam. ?
  8. Yeah you should be able to... Wait some days just in case we’ll make an announcement if needed. ?? Cz is working on it. ✌?
  9. From an update to the other some features might not work, it happens. We updated it as fast as possible (even if it took a month) and we tried to give you something at least, unfortunately not perfect but it’s getting worked on. ??
  10. Of course you’re right! You can ask me about the progresse anytime I’ll answer as soon as I see it. I totally understand that the waiting is annoying when you paid of course. There’s always a way to do things and disrespect is never acceptable, you’ve been respectful and you deserve an answer we know that too don’t worry. ??
  11. First of all « fast guys » isn’t a correct way to ask for something. I know you are waiting but there’s still a proper way to speak. Second, as far as I remember you can’t update the code yourself so you don’t know how much time it takes, right? It probably takes a few hours for what you know. Third « fast guys » won’t accelerate the things up. ✌?
  12. Don’t get what you mean here...? Yeah so 3 days ago, it was still working yesterday... Today it doesn’t work so we will update it.... ??
  13. The code is getting updated everytime we see it doesn’t work. ✌?
  14. We propose a service not one app only. Also we warned that there might be problems from times to times. The interest comes from you wanting to play it anyway ??‍♂️ Sorry for the inconvenience though.. ✌?
  15. Should be possible of course, send a pm to Cz he will normally answer you when he can. ??
  16. Okay thanks for your feedback! I think Cz is aware already and will propose a better one. Let’s hope so at least. ??
  17. Once again Vip is a membership not a Pubg pass. We warned multiples times that Pubg updates take quite some time and that it might not guarantee a 100% working hack. Unfortunately the update is taking time again. ✌?