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Everything posted by Primo

  1. ? when you don’t know what you talking about don’t make wrong assumptions... ??
  2. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game. ??
  3. Black box on first page with « direct install » written on it. Click on it through safari on device ??
  4. The name of the site is « iosgg » so yeah pretty much.. ??? Compare it to Apple store version to know. ??☺️
  5. Should have read a little before... however to download just go to first page and, through safari, click on the black box with « direct install » written on it. I’d advice to use a guest account to avoid getting banned. Also be aware that there’s always a risk to get banned.. ??☺️
  6. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game. ??
  7. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game. ??
  8. It’s black box on first page with an apple on it. Not an url. ??
  9. Why would you download it from their app when you can get it here... ??‍♂️
  10. Our hacks work generally it’s not fake or anything but this one is probably outdated. ?
  11. It’s not usual. So currently I don’t know when he comes back but when he does he connect often ??
  12. Absolutely not broken for sure.. It’s a direct install link, to be used directly on device so if you can’t download it you might have connection problems.. ??
  13. First of all if you want to avoid any unnecessary troubles I’d advice to uninstall and reinstall from the first page of this thread, we provide a direct install link which permit to download directly on device. Also you will have less ads. You should also know that it’s for non jailbroken devices which means the features of the hack are pre enabled. ??
  14. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and it will be activated, just restart the game. ??
  15. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want activation on and restart the game . ??
  16. You might have connection problems ?? There’s none for this update, try direct install ??
  17. Click on the link on first page, it’s written direct install on it ??