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About KingLightningShadow

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  • Device
    iPhone 7 Plus
  • Version
    iOS 12
  • Jailbreak

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  1. @Cz1993 7plus-ios12-jailbreak, game crashing and closing on iosgg login auth screen after clicking the login.

    On v1.11.7 crafting Tactical Backback is safe now? It’s available in Camp. Sector as reward.
  3. On v1.11.7 crafting Tactical Backback is safe now? It’s available in Camp. Sector as reward.
  4. Then post the issue there not here Then post the issue there unless issue is on iosgg.com
  5. What is ios hack web app? this post has only 2 links one for direct install and another one hack downloaf for ipa file download for iTools via install using PC.
  6. Links are working fine. Some guy say blank app or something on one of my previous post.
  7. What is ios hack web app? this post has only 2 links one for direct install and another one hack downloaf for ipa file download for iTools via install using PC.
  8. What you mean by not working at all? 1.10.1 version downloading just fine on direct install link. and working perfectly. Free store feature exists on 1.9.7 version.
  9. @Cz1993 Free store feature on this version pls
  10. @Cz1993 coin hack not working after 1.9.9 request: remove the restriction (1 pz for every part) for finalizing chopper or others to finalize without 1/1 part like gas tank or fork handle.
  11. @Cz1993 coin hack not working. values going on negative. because of that store not working. even free loot like free skill books from store can't be collected. error saying "Not Enough Thalers".
  12. Coin decreasing instead of increasing on fuel purchase or energy refill