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About Stoneys02

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  • Device
    iPhone XR
  • Version
    iOS 14.x
  • Jailbreak

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412 profile views
  1. This actually pretty fun, I usually just do exp stuff but I’m having fun with the game.
  2. You guys are amazing, really means a lot to those of us who just want to have fun!
  3. I love you guys, it's great seeing someone helping out the little guys.
  4. Really enjoy these games, nice to know I can finally get past that one level. Thank you.
  5. It mean's a lot to those of us who can't do this stuff very well and so for those of us that can't we really appreciate it.
  6. Look at this amazing fine piece of work.
  7. I appreciate the amazing work you guys do
  8. I appreciate the hard work you guys go through. Thumbs up!
  9. These guides, tips and tricks, and hacks are amazing. You guys are doing an amazing job! Just seeing some good “hackers” go out of there ways to help or show others is awesome. I for one of those greatly appreciate it!
  10. This is amazing, I watched a youtube video on a guy with hacks then it brought me here. Thanks guys you guys are really awesome!