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About admszr

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  • Device
    iPhone 6S
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. Current ‘grim soul survival’ hack quits itself immediately upon launching the app. This started to happen a few days ago, I was able to play without any problem before. I tried with an other device and it worked, but when I tried rebooting or resetting my iphone etc. it did not work, app keeps closing in my iPhone. Is there a solution to this problem? Any help is appreciated. I use iphone 6s and it has the latest ios version. thanks in advance.
  2. This hack quits itself immediately upon launching the app. This started to happen yesterday, I was able to play without any problem before yesterday. I tried with an other device and it worked, but when I tried rebooting or resetting my iphone etc. it did not work, app keeps closing in my iPhone. Is there a solution to this problem? Any help is appreciated.
  3. direct install is not working. cannot download the game. is it only me or is it a common problem?
  4. this game is so time consuming, but i love playing. thanks guys for your work