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About bubujiee

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  • Device
    iPhone 7 Plus
  • Version
    iOS 10.3.2
  • Jailbreak
  1. 生存日记

    @Cz1993 生存日记 Bundle ID: 1.0.7 iTunes Store Link:https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/%E7%94%9F%E5%AD%98%E6%97%A5%E8%AE%B0/id1410042587?mt=8 Features: - 物品材料宝石复制 -无限体力 - 提升攻击力 Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: No-Jailbreak Thanks!
  2. Pubg Mobile DIY Hacks (IOS 11 Support)

    If there is any changes without the recoil
  3. Rules Of Survival

    Is there a tutorial
  4. playerunknown's battlegrounds

    Use this page to get the requested game info or the request its not valid.https://iOSGG.com/app This game is very hot in China, but there are no overseas versions yet. Game link: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/绝地求生-刺激战场/id1321803705?mt=8 Features: -Display enemy- -Show distance from enemy- -Recoil force- Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak:JailbreakJailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: Thanks!
  5. 下载链接总是广告,谁可以告诉我哪里下载?