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Everything posted by Luyome

  1. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

  2. DLG codes 0.11.0

  3. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    I have vip but I can't see what solution it is, to be able to temporarily solve, that every game in pubg I play they me banned for 10 minutes help meeee!!!!
  4. Hello, did the code work well for you? I have problems it does not work when entering the game. you help me Hello, did the code work well for you? I have problems it does not work when entering the game. you help me Hello, did the code work well for you? I have problems it does not work when entering the game. you help me
  5. because I see that it works for everyone and it doesn't for me, it is the second code that I generate and it doesn't work
  6. I can't access to get the verification code, help please