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Everything posted by AMJADEIDA

  1. I hope the admin will fix the super install problems and replace certificates to those ones who are paying the money for this services , I believe is not fair that we pay the money for something and it doesn’t work properly . Cheers
  2. There is no response from the moderators. I am facing a problem in downloading because of the broken certificate
  3. I too, but I cannot renew the code and wait for the developer to respond
  4. While I want to activate the code, a red message appears (I've already used this coupon code the maximum number of times you are allowed)
  5. ياعرب الكود ليه مايشتغل ?? تلقاه في store -manga
  6. Device not activated

    Me to the hack was working good but today when i open the game i got this massege: code expired- device not activated
  7. المود مايشتغل ليه ?? الكود مايشتغل ليه