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Everything posted by Lebnene

  1. I renew my vip played 0 day :) so my 20$ gone with the wind or what??? @Cz1993
  2. Same here wasted 4g and wifi been 2 days download and downloaded and @Cz1993 never reply...
  3. @Cz1993 man i tried to download 7 times always unable to install “pubg global menu” please try again later!! Any solution please!!!!
  4. @Cz1993 been trying to sign my damn ipad for 4 days and fail.. my vip will end soon ... can you at least fix this to encourage me to renew!
  5. I will download legit tell you find solution for this download issue, 4 days cant manage to download the damn hack....
  6. Been trying to superinstall for 2 days !!! Wtf you cant solve the load in 2 days!????
  7. I downloaded but so lag inside game! And building & boxes disapear& appear by it self make impossible to play and ms with hack 1000+! May i know why?!!
  8. Vip buy

    I want to buy vip using btc, but you asked to msg Cz1993 and the site not allowing me what should i do
  9. Hello man i want to buy vip and super installer but i can pay btc and you said to msg you before i pay, and site not allowing me to send mag how to do so?