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Everything posted by mr007

  1. The certificate is not activated when a new certificate is issued Will this matter, or will we discuss with another place in the future?
  2. soon..! soon..! soon..! Sometimes this sentence takes weeks or even months We get stuck because of his speech soon
  3. The certificate is disabled. We cannot play from the morning when the certificate is replaced
  4. الرمز انتهي ??‍♂️ اللي عنده رمز يرسله لنا ان شاء الله يفتح معنا الى ان يجي رمز جديد
  5. If you do not find a solution to the ban that does not benefit from the code and update it, all methods have been tried, there is no benefit even without the list
  6. Do you think that we will benefit from the symbol without protection .. No use of the symbol without protection Banning 10 minutes Banning one hour Banning 3 days We will not benefit from it at the present time
  7. And does the new code help us in finding the ban? The code is not useful for us in case the copy is not safe, and all values give us a 10-minute ban.
  8. Prohibition Prohibition Prohibition We got tired and lost without interest
  9. When is the new, secure version of Taiwan released, we have removed the old version, do we have to wait too long?
  10. كان يجيني باند 10 دقايق بس كم يوم وبعدها اختفى ووصلت ورقه رابحه 13 نجمه في 21 يوم اذا احد قال لك قول لنا
  11. متى يكون جاهزًا أو يذهب إلى موقع آخر إذا كان متأخرًا؟
  12. When is it ready or go to another location if it is late?
  13. شباب في احد حدث النسخه التايوانيه او لا
  14. وش السالفه متى نحدث النسخه التايوانيه لنا ثلاث ايام نحاول فيها
  15. تعبنا يا مروان ننتظر متى ابي النسخه التايوانيه