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Everything posted by MarkJOJO

  1. 能否加入自瞄,游戏里经常被cheto打败,cheto还可以躲雷和自动射击
  2. Aimbot is only used for close combat, those who don’t like it can be turned off in the game settings Aimbot is only used for close combat, those who don’t like it can be turned off in the game settings,Stupid
  3. The v3 version comes out, you need to queue up for signatures, and then you can't install the game in a few days. If it is not safe, it is really funny
  4. 无法安装游戏

    重新卸载再下载,还是会发生同样的问题@ Cz1993
  5. I use the method of 1 and 2 and still banned for ten minutes,Just use magic and antenna
  6. Every time there is an update, which causes the super installation to crash, why can't Ipa connection be let out and let the capable person sign the installation by themselves?
  7. @1993年全球版本在游戏大厅和训练场都被禁止登录10分钟,你能解释一下吗?
  8. 我想他可以把IPA文件存放到网盘,让有条件的人自己签名安装,这样可以有效疏散拥堵