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Everything posted by Vangskill

  1. 40 truths about me! 1. Real name: 2. Nickname: 3. Favorite color: 4. Male or Female: 5. Elementary school: 6. Middle school: 7. High school: 8. College: 9. Person you miss everyday: 10. Any crush?: 11. Last person you texted: 12. Last person you talked to: 13. Last thing you ate: 14. Favorite song: 15. Last song you listened to: 16. Ever broked any promises?: 17. Orange or Apple: 18. iPhone or iPad: 19: Rap or country music: 20. Kpop or Jpop: 21. Want kids?: 22. Wanna get married?: 23. First word: 24. Best friend: 25. Longest friendship: 26. Have you been in a relationship: 27. Hugged a boy: 28. Boy bestfriend: 29. Snp or fb: 30. Have you ever pretended to be happy: 31. Ideal type: 32. Have you ever hid a secret: 33. Have you hurt anyone’s feeling: 34. Have anyone hurt your feeling?: 35. One prettiest person you know: 36. One person you couldn’t live without: 37. One person you know that is short: 38. One person you know that is tall: 39. Languages you speak: 40. Any ex you would take back: Clean copy in the comment? Tag 15 ppl you nominate? Now you have to do it!