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Everything posted by Haider123456789

  1. Hi guys is it me or is everyone having the same problem as me. Non of the install. The super install doesn’t work and the direct install doesn’t work.
  2. Hi guys did anyone get band for 2 hours??? That’s the first time I did even even though I’m using the 2 method iPhone? im just wonder if in the only one. Thank you.
  3. ‏كس أمك على كس أم عمر ابن الخطاب. ‏يا ابن ال سكس محارم. ‏ابن القحبة سن ‏ابن زينة. ‏ ‏من سؤالكم أن يكون بيهم اليهود
  4. @XaloC2 Lol you like kissing a** don’t you?. His working so heard and he’s at war with Apple . You sound so F***ing stupid. ????
  5. Lol you like kissing a** don’t you?. His working so heard and he’s at war with Apple . You sound so F***ing stupid. ????
  6. Lol no one care about you to talk to you. They care about your money. They take your money that’s all that matter
  7. Lol wtf out of stock. What a joke bro this website is getting F***ed up each day.
  8. F*** everyone that is saying relax the V3 is coming out. You F***ing B**ch you go relax I F**ing paid money to have fun hacking not to get band every time I play the game
  9. أحصل على واحدة من أفضل حساباتي لمدة 10 سنوات. والآخر لمدة أسبوع WTF. (هناك الكثير من المتسللين في اللعبة ، ويبدو أنهم ليسوا منهم يحصلون على الفرقة. (كان الموقع الوحيد الذي يحصل على الفرقة ونحن ندفع أموالًا جيدة. ليس الأمر مجانيًا.) سأكون صادقا جدا مع الجميع. إذا كنت أعرف موقعًا مختلفًا للاختراق ، فسأخذ أموالي وأذهب إلى هناك. لأنني سئمت وتعبت من موقع بولز الإلكتروني هذا. (لا يخرج المشرف ويقول حتى آسف أن الرجال كانوا يعملون لإصلاحه وسنستغرق بضعة أيام لإصلاحه أو شيء ما. لم يقل شيئًا أبدًا ولم يرد حتى على بريده الإلكتروني. لأنه لا يعطينا معلومات عنا.
  10. I get one of my best account band for 10 years. And the other one for 1 week WTF. ( there are so many hackers in the game and it seems non of them get band. ( were the only site that gets band and we pay good money. It’s not like it’s for free.) I will be very honest with everyone. If I know a different hack website I will take my money and go there. Because I’m sick and tired of this BullS***t website. ( the Admin doesn’t even come out and say sorry guys were work to fix it and we will take few days to fix or something. he never says anything and doesn’t even reply to his Email. Because he doesn’t give a F about us.
  11. Hi I’m using the two iPhone method and I’m still getting banned I first get band for 10 mins and then I get band for 2 hours and now I’m band for 4 days. mans it keeps going up and up. WTH is going on bro??
  12. What going On with the hack?? Yesterday it was working great no band at all. Now when you kill one guy or two you get 10 min band. what’s going on?
  13. I use TW What going On with the hack?? Yesterday it was working great no band at all. Now when you kill one guy or two you get 10 min band. what’s going on?
  14. I been trying to install the game for the pass 25 hours and it won’t install. What’s going on??
  15. The game wasn’t opening up I deleted and tried to reinstall but it won’t reinstall. WTH is going on????
  16. The game wasn’t opening up I deleted and tried to reinstall but it won’t reinstall. WTH is going on????
  17. Help

    Pubg Mobile . I keep getting terminated Data connection error. And the game kicks me out for 10 minutes. how can I fix it.