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Everything posted by Haider123456789

  1. I can’t access the game it says device not active please update the code
  2. I can’t access the game it says device not active please update the code

    Ynvbb B nmmb
  4. I massaged him last night tilling him that this activation code isn’t working. He would see the massage and not f*** (inappropriate word)ing reply. This F***ing website is just taking our money. Nothing works on this site
  5. Wtf is going on we keep getting 10 min band ever time we get in even if we don’t kill anyone
  6. [ PUBG ] Reduce 10 minuets Ban

  7. The admin don’t give a F about us. He does care and he want fix it. He just like taking our money. many other Arabic hack work great and they never get 10 min band. I think it’s time for everyone to leave this site.
  8. Fix this f*** (inappropriate word)ing sh!t. Fix your bullsh!t 10 min band. There are other hack sites and work better and they never get band. Your the only one that does wtf
  9. Fix the 10 min band wtf is wrong with you everyone been tilling to fix this sh!t. We just about had enough of this bullsh!t.
  10. This is bullsh!t. The admin don’t care about fixing the 10 min band. They just like taking money. That’s all the care about. I have wrote to him many times and it seems like they don’t give a f*** (inappropriate word) about us.
  11. Fix this 10 min band bullsh!t . We been tilling you this for f*** (inappropriate word)ing two months now. You just like taking our money and not fixing this sh!t.
  12. Fix the f*** (inappropriate word)ing 10 min band. Fix it your really getting is mad with this bullsh!t
  13. What the f*** (inappropriate word) when are you guys going to fix the 10 min band we’re getting sick and tired of this. It’s been 2 mouths
  14. The activation code is not working it says expired