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    KingSucio reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, System working to fix all direct install links now, super install certificate will be   
    System working to fix all direct install links now,
    super install certificate will be also replaced when we got a new certificate.
  2. Like
    KingSucio reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, NOTICE: These days we are already busy with working the PUBG new version and anti ban   
    These days we are already busy with working the PUBG new version and anti ban, but now also super install created a problem to us.
    We are trying to find a better server, but it may take a few days.
    received about 3000 pm's about the install issue cant reply one by one, if you have something important just pm again.
    sorry for the incovenience. 
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    KingSucio reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Super install system going in tilt because of too many install request, now its fixed   
    Super install system going in tilt because of too many install request, now its fixed.
    I have received too many message about mapping so all message is igored, if you have other problem send me a message again. thanks