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  1. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Global V3   
    Global V3

  2. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, im back, currently working to replace all revoked super install device.   
    im back, currently working to replace all revoked super install device.
  3. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, PUBG VN, KR and TW AIMBOT version will be released later.   
    PUBG VN, KR and TW AIMBOT version will be released later.
  4. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, All other version of PUBG will be released later.   
    All other version of PUBG will be released later.
  5. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Revoke detected.   
    Revoke detected.
  6. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Revoke detected    
    Revoke detected 
  7. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Revoke detected.   
    Revoke detected.
  8. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Working to resigning all direct install links, will be ready in few hours.   
    Working to resigning all direct install links, will be ready in few hours.
  9. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, News for PUBG Hack: New Version was tested on multiple device and its safe at the mom   
    News for PUBG Hack:
    New Version was tested on multiple device and its safe at the moment without 10 min ban.
    Will be released in a few days.
  10. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, News for PUBG Hack: The new PUBG HACK Global Version + New Anti Ban will be ready soo   
    News for PUBG Hack:
    The new PUBG HACK Global Version + New Anti Ban will be ready soon, Safe with no 10 min ban. ( Tested 20 Games no need trick, vpn etc. )
  11. Like
    Hussein966 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Have to take a break now, later will reply all messages and add the super install lin   
    Have to take a break now, later will reply all messages and add the super install link for pubg and more other games.