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Everything posted by M1abram

  1. How did you figure it out
  2. How come when I try to use the c4 on an ai house it won’t let me use it. Any response will help out. It’s a stone wall and a steel wall.
  3. I’ve downloaded the game and now I cannot log into it. It closes out the game each time
  4. iOsGG Authentication System FAQ

    Would love to know when the additions floors in bunker alpha are coming out.
  5. But I’m playing on iOS so I don’t have Game Center. I don’t think so
  6. iOsGG Authentication System FAQ

    How long would I need to wait for it to be approved. And each time I play the game a new update comes in and I can’t download it without deleting the game. And have to start all over each time
  7. Been playing this game for a bit but now it’s saying I can’t play with out responding to the forum. Love playing it. And each time I download the update i have to start over because unless I delete the game it won’t download. And this happens everytime